UPS and Teamsters Reach Tentative Five-Year Contract Agreement

In a significant development, UPS and the Teamsters Union have successfully reached a preliminary five-year contract on Tuesday, effectively averting a potential strike on August 1st that could have had serious consequences for the U.S. economy.

Key Points of the Agreement:

  • The creation of 7,500 full-time Teamsters jobs and 22,500 open positions will be filled.
  • Existing full-time and part-time workers will see an increase of $2.75 per hour in 2023, with an additional $7.50 per hour over the contract’s duration.
  • Existing part-timers will be raised to $21 per hour immediately, while new part-timers will start at $21 per hour and advance to $23 per hour.
  • Wage increases for full-timers which will result in an average of around $49 hourly rate.
  • Part-time workers will receive double the wage increase compared to the previous contract, resulting in an average total wage increase of 48% over five years.
  • UPS will add air conditioning to small delivery vehicles in the U.S. purchased after the beginning of 2024.
  • UPS Teamsters part-timers will have priority for seasonal support work using their personal vehicles, with an eight-hour guarantee.
  • Both UPS and the Teamsters have hailed the agreement as “historic.” The deal was praised by UPS CEO Carol B. Tomé as a “win-win-win agreement” that addresses the concerns of all stakeholders.

The contract is scheduled to be presented to 340,000 rank-and-file members for ratification on Thursday, August 3rd, with voting expected to conclude by August 22nd.

Noatum Logistics will continue to release updates as received.


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