The strategy
Noatum Logistics assembled a team of experts in over-dimensional cargo shipping to analyze the technical features of the equipment needed for the move, as well as the route, infrastructure and critical points along the trip. The freight would need to move from Shanghai, to the Port of Callao, through the mountainous Andean region, to the mine site.

The solution
Noatum Logistics developed a detailed plan specifically for the move and then identified and engaged service providers qualified to handle the project’s unique requirements.
In Shanghai, both the Autoclave and Flash Vessel pieces were rotated and temporary saddles installed for better cargo handling, a process requiring a trailer with 10 axles and a load capacity of 160 tons.
At Callao, the unloading process took 72 hours, 108 rail wagons and 20 flatbed trucks to handle the 247 thousand cubic feet of freight.
The cargo then traveled to a nearby warehouse where a telescopic crane with fiber slings unloaded the equipment pieces in preparation for the move to the mine.
Accompanied by police and emergency medical personnel, the freight traveled by hydraulic modular at night to avoid traffic congestion around Lima.
Leaving the city and the project control center, the expanded convoy, now with additional police, a technical assistance van, two support trucks, and a supervision van, followed the transport plan which specified the departure schedule, break times, closure times, maximum speed and infrastructure modification requirements.
The solution included building 19 lay-bys, reinforcing 13 bridges, and lifting a train trestle and bridge almost eight inches to allow the freight to clear.