
January 2019 Logistics Link

During the month of January 2019, MIQ Logistics was involved in a number of events throughout the logistics industry. Read industry updates, services offered by MIQ, and events that will be taking place in the January 2019 logistics link.

Terminal Congestion at West Coast Ports Continues

U.S. West Coast ports, specifically Los Angeles and Long Beach terminals, continue to experience heavy congestion due to the unprecedented volumes arriving in the U.S. in anticipation of the upcoming Lunar New Year and the pending tariff changes. Containers are

Airfreight market update

Airfreight update: second half of 2021

The current quarantine regulations for airports implemented by China have reduced airfreight capacity. The new rules affect the largest cargo airports in China such as Shanghai, Zhengzhou and Beijing, while there is a certain increase of volumes due to disruption in