The strategy
After analysing the situation, and given that the syringes had to be transported in the shortest possible time, the Noatum Logistics team in Peru searched for and found the only viable route to make this possible in just 48 hours from the manufacturing factory in Shanghai.

The solution
In order to meet the Peruvian government’s need for syringe deliveries for the vaccination campaign, monthly charter flights were contracted. The passenger area was set aside to accommodate some of the goods. In this way, the space available on the aircraft was optimised and as much cargo as possible was transported on a single flight. A total of 8 air charters and part charters were made from southern China, where the factory was located, to Peru via the Shanghai – Alaska – Los Angeles – Mexico – Lima route. Because of the restrictions on flight authorisations due to the pandemic, it was very difficult to find free slots. The Peruvian Foreign Ministry and the Peruvian Embassy in China worked together to find slots at Shanghai airport.