Please contact us for more information
N-CAP helps you to understand the environmental impact of your transport activities, using the highest quality standards, as we are measuring your emissions to the Carbon Footprint Standard and offering you the option to compensate for emissions, by supporting carbon emission reduction projects around the world.
Noatum believes that the conservation and protection of the environment where it operates must be included in the company’s strategic objectives, and reflected in the Mission, Vision and Values that define the Group’s raison d’etre.
We have established a range of actions to reduce the carbon footprint associated with Noatum Logistcs ‘business activity, including the measurement and offset of the the company’s carbon footprint, and the footprint of services offered to customers.
The Noatum Logistics’ innovative N-CAP toolkit, has been added to our PowerView supply chain platform, to forecast, monitor and offset global supply chain emissions, by
every transport mode, for every business sector.
The Noatum Logistics International Supply Chain team (ISC) is helping customers lower emissions by using emission forecast data, to design alternative low-carbon supply chains and offset the residual CO2.
We offer our clients a range of carbon offsetting projects, to combat global climate change and help them work towards carbon neutrality in their global supply chain. In addition to direct offsetting initiatives like tree planting, we encourage international carbon reduction projects that incorporate CSR elements including food security, clean drinking water and heath & well-being in developing countries
Please contact us for more information
Unit 1, Alpha Way, Thorpe Industrial Estate
Egham, TW20 8RZ, United Kingdom
+44 (0)1784 480 100
Noatum Logistics is a company
of Noatum Group
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